Little Voodoo

Grey Eye Glances • Sojourn Hills • Jun 2002
One adjective that you will never hear in connection with A Little Voodoo is "under-produced." Whether a song was produced by Peter Moshay and T-Bone Wolk, Paul Bryan, Jerry Marotta, or Grey Eye Glances themselves, this alternative pop/rock/adult alternative effort sounds extremely produced. But for all its slickness and studio gloss, A Little Voodoo really does have a lot of heart. Lead singer Jennifer Nobel's warmth and vulnerability always comes through, and the lyrics are consistently personal-sounding. Throughout the CD, it is obvious that the producers are there to serve Grey Eye Glances -- not the other way around. The honey-voiced Nobel and her colleagues never sound like producers' puppets; they sound like they are in the driver's seat, whether the producer is Marotta on "Good Folks" and "Oh, No" or Bryan on "The One" and "Close Your Eyes." And that would explain why this album is as consistent as it is -- the producers knew what type of vision Grey Eye Glances had for this album, and they helped them achieve it. In many cases, a label will hire several different producers for the same album because it is trying to cover as many bases as possible; different producers will produce different types of songs with different radio formats in mind. But on A Little Voodoo, Grey Eye Glances sees to it that there is a certain continuity. Could A Little Voodoo have used more spontaneity? Without a doubt. But because the writing is as strong as it is -- and because the album sounds so darn good -- one can live with that lack of spontaneity. All things considered, A Little Voodoo is a fine addition to Grey Eye Glances' catalog. - Alex Henderson, All Music Guide